Miry's List is a community support system for new arrival refugee families in the U.S. that nurtures the culture of welcoming newcomers through family-to-family and friend-to-friend connections.
Though the Federal government has divested most of the refugee program, one resettlement pathway for refugees continues to be honored by the State Department: The Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) for individuals and families who have supported the U.S. Military in Afghanistan. Though the landscape of resources available to these families, when they arrive, has dramatically shifted, Miry's List continues unwavering support for incoming refugees and those already in the U.S. in 2025. We are the neighbors, and we aren't going anywhere.
Miry's List provides a mechanism for people to directly help new arrival refugee families with the incredible challenge of resettlement in the U.S. With practical support and community joy waiting to welcome them, resettling families are set up to thrive through 12 months of wrap-around programming that fills gaps in and extends long beyond government support.
Since 2016, we’ve engaged over 250,000 American people to support more than 1,400 families who have come through the Federal Refugee Resettlement program from countries including Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, and most recently, Ukraine, Moldova, and Guatemala.